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Products tagged with 'woodford'

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2.4M X 75MMX75MM pointed fence post, pressure treated, incised with a sawn finish. Also available in 1.2m, 1.5m and 1.8m. PST833
2.4m weathered pressure treated fence post. It has a sloped top, incised and a sawn finish. Also available in 1.5m,1.8m and 3m. PST844W
225mm pressure treated log roll, ideal for tidying up your garden borders. Also available in 150mm and 300mm. LR6225
3.66m pressure treated machine rounded post. Incised prior to treatment which helps to achieve the very best penetration of preservative for ground contact timber. Also available in 1.65m length. RP124
3.6m post, planed and pressure treated. Imported quality timber. Ideal use for the construction of children's play sets.
3.6m chamfered pressure treated spindles, planed imported timber with eased edges. Also available in .9m lengths.